Monday, 23 March 2015


I have decided to try to arrange hobby time at least once a week. It may sound funny but even that will require some planning to get everything to fit in a week (family, work, training and wrestling) and still get enough sleep. Few years ago I could easily build and paint stuff past midnight and wake up fresh, but now that some water has gone by I have found that I need at least that 8 hours of sleep to be able to recover from life and training.

Yesterday all the stars were in line and I even got something done. To get things moving I painted the last two finished city hexes. Well, finished is a wrong term because I had planned to add more decoration and stuff to these pieces but know I think that it's better to just move on.

My initial plan were to use a basecoat with two drybrush layers, then use dark wash to darken the soil under the tiles and finish it of with light drybrush. I tried to make my own wash with the instructions from The Leadhead but although I used my darkest brown the wash was too light and didn't look right. I had to repaint the piece but that's how things sometimes go. I also though about using black wash but I don't like to use black with terrain because it's quite unnatural in my opinion. Instead of the wash I just used light grey to drybrush the tiles and I think that the result is good enough. If I find dark brown ink somewhere I might give the wash another go.

 If you are a terrain maker remember always keep your eyes open for discount brushes. I have bought countless brush sets in the past and now it's very easy to just choose a right tool for the job.

Missed opportunity

Darn, you should always seize an opportunity when it presents itself. I was wandering at the local flea market and I stumbled across this magnificent toy:

Think about this filled with cars in a game like Zombicide? Or with modern soldiers and terrorist? It was perfect scale, it had nice details and it was cheap (something like 15€). DARN it had everything!! And I walked by. Well, I did change my mind and returned next day but well well, It was gone. As a matter of fact the whole table was gone so it just might have been a dream.


Saturday, 21 March 2015


Some say that our hobby is just playing with little toys or kids stuff or....well many others things also. But when you follow some true masters like Massive voodoo or Jason Hedricks you have to admit that we are talking about an art form. There are many skillful terrain makers out there but now I stumbled across a firm called Scenery Planet. Well, no words. Watch the videos from youtube.

Monday, 16 March 2015

You can take the man out of hobby, but not the hobby out of man

Sometimes you just need a little push. This time it came from Privateer Press forums in a shape off a user named Shoobie. He just commented my thread that "just finish something". F**CKING brilliant!! I have too long though about what I need to do (and in which I don´t have time) rather than what I CAN do. Those harbor hexes have stood there finished for months and I just didn´t pick those up and therefore stalled, badly.

So, today I grapped my brush after five months (?!) of hiatus and let it go.

How can you tell that my hiatus lasted too damn long?

I used very dark grey over the brown basecoat

Over that I drybrushed blueish grey

Of course Dr. Arkadius came to check what the hell was going on.

After the drybrush and with some scenery.

 How about with a house?

I will continue with some drybrushing and ageing but you know, I think that this will end up rather nice!

This session, again, showed me how frigging great and important this hobby is to me!

Resurrection..or only rigor mortis?

Something is stirring under the lid...