Monday, 20 April 2015

Zombicide Season 3 Unpacking vol. 1!

10 months ago I cursed that I didn´t have enough money to go all-in with Zombicide Season 3. Now, 10 months later, when the box is in front of me I still curse that day when I didn´t have enough money to go all-in! Darn, talking about getting something for your money!

This will be a quick overview about what I got and I will post more detailed stuff in the future.

Here is the core game, Rue Morgue, and Angry Neightbors expansion. It will be a happy day when open up these two!

The VIP-zombies, alternative sculpts, some crows, plastic barricades and the bonus survivors were nicely packed in a separate box. Quality all the way!

Here is the dice tower, brown and yellow dices, the team building deck, dashboard box, dice bag and pimp weapon/experience/crow cards.

I bought some extra crows and those nice zombie dogs because I like animals..

Some extra survivors. Benny and Curro were a must buy for me. Have to say that the sculpts are amazing!

Holy Shi*t how much dashboards!!

Adrian Smith has been my favorite artist for looong time and when I saw his Special Guest Box it was a no-brainer. Also the moustache pack #2 was a must buy. The scuplts are far better than the illustrations, expecially Leroy which art was, well, bad.

So there was my Season 3. I will open all the boxes in the near future but if you want to see something sooner, just let me know!

By the way, where I will find the time to paint all this new stuff when all the Season 2 Zombies are still unpainted? Damn you Guillotine Games!! And the Zombicide Black Plague is in the horizon! DARN YOU GUILLOTINE GAMES!!!! And also thanks...=)

Sunday, 19 April 2015


I were on a business trip and look what was waiting for me at the door:

Holy cow how much stuff was backed into the box! And I didn´t even go all-in with the Kickstarter! So stocked! 

I guess I have to do some kind on unpacking post about this...

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The dock

After painting the trees it was quite natural to start painting the wooden docks. First some repainting with the base color.

I used slightly greyish brown for the fist drybrush. In the pictures it looks little bit too brown

Dr. Arkadius confirmed that I was on the right path with these hexes.

I will use lighter brown for the next drybrush. I would like these planks to be little bit more greyish so let's see where the next highlite drybrush takes us.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Flu and some spare time

There is one good thing that comes with flu and that's the time left for other stuff when you can't physically train. It's not just yet the knock-you-down-and beats-you-up-kind of flu so I can continue with the hex tiles.

Now that I know the color scheme I started painting other stuff also and could for the first time to really see how they interact as a whole. I like!

Let's see how this turn out..

I used very simple weather effect for the rails and it worked like a charm. I just dapled the darker base color on top of the bright grey. I will weather the pieces more in the future.

Because the table itself will be mostly grey I want some color there also without ruining the overall look. I decided to make the trees little bit orange. This is after the first drybrush.

I think that these trees will be the only ones which are alive on the city hexes. Others will be bigger but dead. Why? I don't kown, I just like the idea. Maybe there is something special in this hex.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

New direction with the color scheme

Well, I was drybrushing some of the pieces and had a revelation about the whole color scheme.

I used very light grey to make the final highlite on the paving and then decided to try to use it and another darker grey more on different objects on the hexes. I have had a idea to make the board to look little unnatural and even spooky and I think that this is the right way because I use the same colors everywhere BUT with different concentration. 

I think that the color scheme will look even better when I finish the hexes with grass, leaf, trees and stuff.